About Me

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Puffin, 18 x 24cm, Watercolour, aquarelle crayons and imitation gold leaf.

Purple Water Hen, 18 x 24cm, Watercolour, aquarelle crayons and imitation silver leaf.

Sandhill Crane, 24 x 18cm, Watercolour and aquarelle crayons.

These are avaliable in the ETSY shop, click HERE to go shopping.

House Series...

 I finally finished this series of works for a friend... I don't usually paint in this realistic style and that's why it took me so long... And I'm happy to report, they really love them...

This is the last one I worked on, it's 70 x 30 cm. It is the whole view of the house. It's a typical Alsacien farm house.
The smaller works are 28 x 14cm. Very small and took a lot of effort with my 6 hair paint brush.

 Click Here is the other work that I did in 2013 in Watercolour.