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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

25th of March, by PurpleCathy

Today, I was inspired by the rain, (it rained all day), watching the rain making circles in puddles was very calming. It was made with watercolour and aquarelle crayons.

24th of March by PurpleCathy

After the big painting and the two months of artworks, I was feeling a bit 'arted-out', but I think I'm rested now, ready to continue. At the moment I'm reading a fabulous book about the Goddess, called "The language of the Goddesses", by Marija Gimbutas. This page is about her book and all of the symbols for Goddesses. It was created with watercolour, a pen and an aquarelle graphite stick.

Friday, March 14, 2014

"Lascaux" painting, by PurpleCathy

Here is a better photo.

Large Lascaux painting, by PurpleCathy

My obsession with "Lascaux" continues, I just love painting and drawing the animals from the famous cave. Since I visited it last year, (well Lascaux II) it has continued to inspire my art making. In the photo above, this is the start of the painting, mapping out colours and shapes. It is 60 x 80cm, and was painted using acrylic and two different mediums, gloss gel and resin sand. The base is MDF with pine boxes attached.
A detail of the finished Horse head.
Top half...
Bottom half...
A small work "F", 10 x 10cm, using watercolour, ink and aquarelle crayons.
A small work "D", 10 x 10cm, using watercolour, ink, collage, imitation gold leaf and aquarelle crayons.
A medium work "B", 13.6 x 10.8 cm, using watercolour, ink, collage, imitation gold leaf and aquarelle crayons.
A small work "G", 10 x 10cm, using watercolour, ink and aquarelle crayons.
A medium work "C", 10.6 x 13.6 cm, using watercolour, ink, collage, tracing paper and aquarelle crayons.
A small work "E", 12.7 x 6.7 cm, using watercolour, ink and aquarelle crayons.
A small work "A", 10 x 10cm, using watercolour, ink, collage, tracing paper and aquarelle crayons.

Friday, March 7, 2014

7th of March, by Jenny Ledingham

March 5 morning.  Small oil paint on marine ply wood. At Lady Martins Beach. I use small old brushes that are almost stumps as I don't want to get too caught up in detail. I want to abstract the subject more and want to develop it into a series.
Afternoon at Strickland House. Did this water colour in a few minutes during lunch.

Monday, March 3, 2014

March by Louisa Cunningham

"Wet Washing", Aquarelle Crayons, 17 x 17 cm.
"Owl", aquarelle pencils, 17 x 17 cm.
i-pad sketch.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

28th of February, by PurpleCathy

This one was inspired by us making rainbow cup cakes and decorating them with lots of sprinkles...This one was made with a box, a paper paddy, acrylic paint and aquarelle crayons.

25th of February, by PurpleCathy

I know this one is a bit late, but it has a few layers on it's surface. It wasn't working underneath, so it had a make over! The images of Frida Kahlo, are made from photocopies and gel medium. I've been reading a lot about her lately...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

1st of March, by Jenny Ledingham

"Yesterday, Marea and I were below Strickland House, Vaucluse again. Here is a quick oil sketch on gesso marine ply, it's 15x35 cm. I put the paint on roughly then wipe it back as I want the light in the underground gesso to come through. Although my work is usually based on what I see, what I'm really interested in is light and space."