About Me

Friday, March 20, 2015

Maurep'art Exhibition, 20th of March - 4th of April, 2015

Tonight was the opening.
The eldest and I went and had a look. He and I took the photos.
Here it is... "Bleu".
This one and the works below are from the guest artist, Martine Gauthier.
Click here to find more about her work.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Large "Bleu"canvas painting

Finished! Phew, I just made it, tomorrow I take it to the exhibition hall, and then we see if it gets selected for this year's show. It's called "Bleu", blue in french and for the name of the colour of the Quandongs, that inspired me.
A bit closer... click here for more information about blue quandongs...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

"Bleu" painting in progress...

I'm really having fun, lots of colours, shading and some dry brush work...

Lascaux inspired Horse 35

Horse no.35, this one is 40 x 30cm, watercolour and Neo-color II aquarelle crayons.