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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

here come the Cyclads...

Here are the last pages in my sketch book, influenced by hubby's trip to Athens. We both visited Athens in 2006, which re-sparked my interest in Cycladic figures. These ones were created using a graphie stick, watercolour and neocolour II crayons, (which are my absolute favorite art material). I started them on the 16th of June and finished them today.
Here is a photo of sketch book No.25 finished, and the new sketch book, No. 26, ready to start...

Here is the link to my other blog that has the photos from the Museum of Cycladic Art.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

13th & 14th of June, by PurpleCathy

Yep, more seed pods.... Watercolour and aquarelle crayons.
Japanese dinner for one!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

11th of June, Pods share, by PurpleCathy

I've been a pod and seed fan for a long time. With the boys, we have a collected a variety of them over the years and have put them in curiosity jars. I've also recently collected some pics on Pinterest and this week I was inspired by them. Here are three sketch book pages that I did yesterday. I used watercolour and aquarelle crayons.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

9 more mini Art Cards, by PurpleCathy

Here are 9 more Art Cards. I used black ink, watercolour, posca brush and some decorative pens. They are around 10 x 10 cm.

Art Share, by PurpleCathy

I've been in and out of my Sketch Book, but here are some pages that I have been working on.
This one was made from off cuts from my Lascaux Horses, and a posca paint brush pen, 16th May.
6th of June. Watercolour and posca brush.
This one has been a work in progress for a while. The first layer is watercolour with 70% alcohol, then posca brush, with a black art pen, then with white, silver and gold pens. A doodle page, inspired by "Art Doodle Love". Finished on the 10th of June.
This one started with an envelope with watercolour paint, using my new paint brushes. Then it was collaged and I used a posca brush for the black bits, finished on the 10th of june.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

15 Art Cards, by PurpleCathy

I'm working on a larger work, so stay tuned for that. 

So, in between I made some art cards. They are mostly around the same size 10 x 10 cm, and are made using black ink, watercolour, collage, some have either imitation gold and silver leaf and aquarelle crayons. Of course they are inspired by the cave art at Lascaux, look out for the one that isn't a horse!