About Me

Friday, January 31, 2014

31st of January, by PurpleCathy

Today I went to Paris, and I saw the 'Cartier' exhibition at the Grand Palais. This one was created by watercolour, pen and collage. I'm a bit rusty drawing shoes, I used to draw lots of them...I must go back there...

30th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday I was exhausted after doing too many things... this one was created by pen and watercolour.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

29th of January, by PurpleCathy

Today is Wednesday, there was not much inspiration during the day, until tonight. On the TV there is a show on the French Alps. I created it using a brown paper bag, white acrylic paint, pencil, Asian paper and gold paper and aquarelle crayon.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

27th of January by Jenny Ledingham.

"From January 21st to today, the 27th  I've been looking at the Dartura trumpet tree in my garden. This is a fold out book, each double page 24 cm square and I've used acrylic, pencil, pen, poster paint. They are more or less done in sequence."
Just the remains. The trumpets have sounded and now all is quiet and deflated.

27th of January by Louisa Cunningham

"Insomnia", All works are 16 x 16cm.
Sculpture at the National Gallery Canberra.
"Frida Doll"

27th of January, by PurpleCathy

Today I created a work about I recent book that I got and love very much. It is watercolour and collage.

26th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday, I went to an Indian Restaurant for dinner. During the dinner I did some drawings on paper with an aquarelle graphite stick. Then later I did a mono print on the paper doilies that I collected from the restaurant. Then I collaged it all together with some great art paper.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

25th of January, by PurpleCathy

Today, lots of birds came to eat the seed that I left for them... this one was created using a perfume box as a background, with a ribbon, and mt masking tape.

Friday, January 24, 2014

24th of January, by PurpleCathy

Today, I started with a ripped brown paper envelope, some watercolour, aquarelle crayons and a black pen. The cat is from a packet of flea powder.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

23rd of January, by PurpleCathy

Today, I played with some fabric, watercolour and some aquarelle crayons.

22nd of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday It was a Wednesday, kids all day. But it was a good, busy, exhausting day... I used watercolour, black pen and aquarelle crayons.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

21st of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday was an okay day, the high light was cleaning the oven, which it felt like it hadn't been cleaned since Lascaux. I used black ink, watercolour, collage and an ink on tracing paper "Lascaux" head.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

20th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday, I did a bit of pen and nib work... I drew on tracing paper, a bit of the events of my day, some insects drawn from a library book and finished it with some collage from a magazine. Some bits were added using my favorite "posca" pens.

Monday, January 20, 2014

19th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday, was a good day to read magazines while the kids played on bikes. This one was created with watercolour and aquarelle crayons.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

18th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday, I was reading a library book about France, when I came across some designs from a cave. This cave is called Gvarinis..here is a link...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavrinis I used a black pen, watercolour and a gold pen.

Friday, January 17, 2014

17th of January, by PurpleCathy

Today I had lunch with my hubby in Versailles, we had yummy Japanese... This one was created, using black ink, watercolour, collage and pen.

16th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday I was feeling a little nostalgic for Oz, my biggest was talking about kangaroos, and I was thinking about the land. This was created using black ink, watercolour, aquarelle crayons and "posca" pens.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January by Melissa Goodall

Here is another artist, Melissa Goodall. All of her artworks are 5" x 6". This one was created using Pen.
Watercolour, Conte Crayon and Pencil.
"Wild Woman of the Sea". Watercolour and Pen.
"Easts Beach Kiama". Watercolour, Pencil and Charcoal.
"Happy to be home again". Watercolour, Marker Pen, Gold Pen and Collage.
"Patchwork Hillside". Watercolour, Pen, Pencil, Charcoal, Conte Crayon and Gold Pen.

15th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday it was Wednesday, where the kids are home all day, say no more. Under most of the colour and collage there are some words, but they got overtaken by the colour. I started with a printed background, using acrylic paint. Then I added aquarelle crayons, collage and 'posca' pens.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

14th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday, I drew the tree in the front garden. I used "liquid pencil", it's interesting to use, but I need to experiment more with it! I also used watercolour, aquarelle crayons and pen. Sorry about the clips, but my sketch book is starting to bend in all of the wrong places.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

13th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday I drew some pears, added some colour by using watercolour, aquarelle crayons and collage.

Monday, January 13, 2014

12th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday, I  just experimented with my beautiful new art papers, colour and collage. Underneath is watercolour and aquarelle crayons. Both of my boys, also added to the design. Note, there is no text on this one...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

11th of January, by PurpleCathy

Today, I was a bit sad... It's created with watercolour, pen, collage, sticky letters and aquarelle crayons.

Friday, January 10, 2014

10th of January, by PurpleCathy

Today, I went to Versailles for lunch, with an Aussie friend. We had a great Thai lunch and I bought some lovely paper at the art shop.

It's not too late to join me... if you want to send me you Art Journal pages, send me a comment.

9th of January, by PurpleCathy

Normally on a Thursday, it's clean the house day.... so that is what I did. Here is a picture of the bathroom. In my real bathroom, I have ugly beige blob tiles, but I would love a colourful bathroom like this! I painted it with watercolour, wrote with black ink and added some details with some 'posca' pens. My littlest boy also helped, he painted the blue water in the bath.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

8th of January by PurpleCathy

Today is Wednesday, and I am a referee all day with the two boys, in France at the moment, there is no school for small ones.... it's a battle all day long. But I'm thankful, that I spoke to my two best friends, Lisa and Louisa, even though they live on the other side of the planet. They gave me hope today. In todays work, I used watercolour, aquarelle crayons and a 'posca' pen.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

7th of January by PurpleCathy

This one was drawn with black pen and given some vibrant colour using some watercolour paints.

6th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday, it was back to school for the kids and so there were lots of jobs for me. During the middle of the day, it was a bit slower, so I could enjoy a cup of tea. But in the afternoon, it was a little crazy picking kids up frim school, doing HW, taking one kid to dance, giving the other one a shower, making dinner and then going to the doctors and chemist, returning home after 8.25pm. This one was drawn in black pen and later given some colour with watercolour paints.

Monday, January 6, 2014

5th of January, by PurpleCathy

Yesterday I ran away to Paris, I went to the Musée d'Orsay for a quick visit. I forgot it was a free day in the museums, as it was the first Sunday of the month. Inside, there were lots of people. I made a couple of sketches, which evolved into these two pages. Cezanne and Degas were the influences, I used watercolour, aquarelle crayons and collage. Free colourful brochures are excellent for collage.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

4th of January, by PurpleCathy

Here is today's one. I used watercolour, collage with painted bus tickets, cellophane, pen and "posca" pens.