About Me

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Art Share

Art Share

So this year, I propose an Art Share, where you create different artworks, for each day if you wish. They can be in a regular sketch book, or pages that you put together in a binder. You choose, as you keep them.

You have to share your artworks with me and the rest of the world, via this blog "purplecathy". With a photo or scan of the pages, possibly with the date.

You have to make at least 10 artworks a month.

An art share is where you make an artwork for everyday or just some days. You can use any art material(s), you like. You can have just images or include some text too.


So what do you say.... ?

Send me a comment if you are interested in joining me!


(My ones are going to be in a very small sketchbook, 14 x 14,5 cm, as I am busy too!)

Monday, December 30, 2013

A small painting...

This week I decided to create a painting for a gift. Just on some A4 paper a quick sketch was made, from my mind.
It was going to be a 20 x 20 cm canvas painting. So I transfered it ready to paint. But I then thought about it, and of course changed my mind.
I did a series of these small works a long time ago now, in the 1990's, when "Ikea" made small cute wooden frames. This one is 5.5 x 7.5 cm, painted with watercolour, 'posca' pens and a "pilot" fine black pen.
Here is a close up.
Dressed ready in her frame.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Balls...

Here is the Christmas Balls, that I have been decorating.... First you need a polystyrene ball, sequins, and a lot of pins. I start with drawing a design with a pen or pencil. This year there were lots of spirals. Then put the pin and sequin together and then place on the design.
The larger balls take between 4-6 hours, while the medium ones are a 2 hour job. I try and choose a maximum of three colours.
The finished product. You can write names, which are great for family and friends. The larger ones don't like to hang on christmas trees, but prefer to sit on tables.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Large Paper Greeting Cards.

The other day I had no computer to play with, so I found some big 200g paper, acrylic paint, a roller and a plastic bag. First I started with doing some mono-prints on the paper. Then I got some brushes out...(the plastic bag mono-printing is from Alisa Burke), here is her tutorial http://alisaburke.blogspot.fr/2013/11/plastic-bag-printmaking.html
Then after it was dry I got the 'Posca' pens out... and had a colour and scribble.
Starting to pick out some areas for details and more colour.
When is was all dry, I then cut some rectangles, 10 x 14 cm. With my trusty 'Stanley' knife, metal ruler and cutting matt.
I had some card blanks hanging about, so with some double-sided tape, I put the cards together.
A closer look.
Even closer...
Some quick and easy greeting cards....if only I was more organised, these would have been ready for Christmas... oh well there is always next year.

Monday, December 16, 2013

I did it....

Well I finally did it! Today I opened my Esty shop...It took a long time to organised reading and understanding all the information and having a couple of sick kids. But it is done. Yipee! Here is the link below...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Hiya, I'm in the process of setting a few things up, so bear with me while this happens....

Here is a picture where I sometimes work, it can get very messy on that desk...